Let us Pray!
A collection of prayers and devotions to use at home
Devotions to the Saints Litany of the Saints The patterns for Morning, Evening, and Night Prayers proposed here are short examples of Daily Prayer to help you structure your prayer life. There are a good number of online resources and mobile apps to help you pray the Daily Office in a fuller way. Download the Church of England Daily Prayer or Universalis apps from the App Store. Universalis is the better app out of the two as it contains everything you need, from prayers at various points during the day to the readings for daily Mass.
Many of the prayers and devotions in this publication have been collected from other internet sources and adapted by Father Diego Galanzino. These sources include Common Worship (Services and Liturgies for the Church of England, © The Archbishops’ Council) and The Raccolta (by Ambrose St. John). If you would like to receive a booklet with these prayers, please get in touch with the Parish Office. Front Cover image for "Let us Pray!" booklet: The Last Judgement, by Fra Angelico (1395-1455); San Marco, Florence (Italy) |