What is this project?
The restoration of All Saints’ Parish Church is firmly linked to the renewal of the faith. These two challenges, though tackled in very different ways, are the two sides of the same coin or two complementary parts. While the restoration programme seeks to preserve the unique historical and cultural patrimony that affords to All Saints’ its Grade I listing, the renewal project seeks to deepen our relationship with God and to improve our liturgy, while also reimagining how we can best serve the town through our buildings. Restoration Plans
The restoration of the Parish Church requires considerable financial commitment from the Parochial Church Council (PCC) estimated to exceed £200,000. Such an investment will tackle
Achieved so far:
Renewal Plans (All Saints') The Parish Church would also benefit from some reordering of the space to enhance its heritage and maximise the use of the building. These works include;
Renewal Plans (St Thomas')
Renewal of the Faith
Works are already underway for a few of these points, but it is important to stress that All Saints’ Parish does not receive Government financial support or from the Church of England as a national institution. We rely entirely on the generosity of our town and congregation, on the occasional grants from charities, and on the invaluable efforts of all our volunteers. Your financial support will be greatly appreciated, and you can do so by sending a cheque payable to All Saints' PCC to: Restoration and Renewal, Houghton Regis Parish Office St Thomas' Church, Lowry Drive, Houghton Regis, LU5 5SJ. |
Our Restoration and Renewal Project is already underway, but it is important to stress that Houghton Regis Parish does not receive Government financial support or from the Church of England. We rely entirely on your generosity. |
In this section you can browse documents used by the parish in applying for Faculties or other relevant permits from the Diocese of St Albans. Documents will be removed once works have been completed.
Reordering of Sanctuary (All Saints')
Completed in June 2023
Description: "Installation of painted triptych above the high altar depicting Christ in glory with the saints, and minor reordering of the sanctuary."
→ Plan - Reordering of High Altar
→ Statement of Significance
→ Statement of Need
→ PCC Resolution
Completed in June 2023
Description: "Installation of painted triptych above the high altar depicting Christ in glory with the saints, and minor reordering of the sanctuary."
→ Plan - Reordering of High Altar
→ Statement of Significance
→ Statement of Need
→ PCC Resolution
Surface Water Drainage Works (All Saints')
Completed in 2023
Description: "Surface water drainage overhaul and improvements - Revised scheme as these works were omitted from the GPOW funded repairs previously granted Faculty under application ref: 181360-1018B"
→ Plan - Drainage as Existing and Proposed
→ Works Specifications
→ Surface Drainage Survey and Report
→ DAC Notification of Advice
Completed in 2023
Description: "Surface water drainage overhaul and improvements - Revised scheme as these works were omitted from the GPOW funded repairs previously granted Faculty under application ref: 181360-1018B"
→ Plan - Drainage as Existing and Proposed
→ Works Specifications
→ Surface Drainage Survey and Report
→ DAC Notification of Advice