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Highlights of parish life in Houghton Regis
On Sunday 2 February we celebrated Candlemas, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, at the Parish Church. In this great festival of Our Lord, which take place 40 days after Christmas Day, Jesus is presented as the light to enlighten the nations: all people everywhere.
The first part of the service included the blessings and distribution of candles and a procession. Unlike in the modern use, candles are blessed at the altar, lighted, and then distributed to the congregation, highlighting the fact the light of Christ, though represented by many individual flames, is one. These initial rites replace the penitential rite for the Mass and are adapted from the English Missal. In our celebration the Sanctus and Agnus Dei were taken from Francois Couperin's “Mass for the Convents”, published in 1690, and newly edited by our organist from manuscripts in Versailles and Carpentras. The plainchant sung by All Saints’ Choir is from a Parisian Gradual published in 1696. The organ music before, during and after Mass consists of extracts from the same Couperin Organ Mass. After Communion the choir sang the anthem “O Thou, the central orb” by Charles Wood.
On Sunday 10 November we marked Remembrance Sunday with a Solemn Requiem for the fallen service personnel who lost their lives in the two World Wars and while on duty since then. The service was followed by the Act of Remembrance at the Memorial Stone. Father Diego, the Priest-in-Charge of Houghton Regis, celebrated the Mass, the Rev Tim Haines, from Bidwell West, preached, and members of Houghton Regis Youth Council led the intercessions and read the Roll of Honour.
It was great to welcome the Deputy Lieutenant of Bedfordshire, the Vice-Chair of Central Bedfordshire Council, and our Town Mayor to the service, along with members of Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, a large number of Scouts, members of the Girl Guides and local volunteers associations. We are extremely grateful for the hard work of all who made the service and the parade to the Green possible, and especially so for Houghton Regis Town Council. On Sunday 27 October we welcomed Bishop Richard, Bishop of Bedford, to All Saints’ for a special service of Baptism and Confirmation. It was great to welcome new brothers and sisters into the family of the Church and encourage those taking the next step in the Christian journey though Confirmation and the reception of Holy Communion for the first time.
At the same service Bishop Richard commissioned Eucharistic Assistants to help with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass, and (if needed) to take the Blessed Sacrament to the sick. The bishop also commissioned two Lay Leader of Worship to help with the liturgical life of our parish. Our congregation is becoming very diverse, and this was reflected by the age and background of the candidates for both the sacraments and the lay ministries. We give thanks to God the Father for his continuing blessings and graces to our parish community and for constantly bringing more people to new life in His Son. Photos Copyright: All Saints Houghton Regis PCC Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia! On Easter Day we gathered to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, to celebrate the Eucharist, and to welcome new members of the Church coming forward for Baptism. It was a special joy and blessing to mark the beginning of the Easter season in this way. From the order of service: Today we rejoice with our Christian brothers and sisters around the world at the resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the grave. This is the central truth of our faith: death has no more power over Jesus and in his resurrection we contemplate our future; eternal life in him. As St Paul’s wrote to early Christians, “your life is hidden with Christ in God, and when Christ, who is your life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory” (Col 3:3-4) Photo Copyright: All Saints' PCC Houghton Regis Yesterday, Sunday 24 March, we celebrated Palm Sunday. The Parish Mass began in Bedford Square with the blessing of palm crosses and olive branches as we recalled the entrance of the Lord Jesus into Jerusalem. After this we processed to All Saints' signing praises to the Lord.
Later in the afternoon, at 4:00pm, we concluded Palm Sunday with a service of Stations of the Cross and Benediction. About the Celebration: Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week and the Sunday before Easter. On this day we remember the glorious entry into Jerusalem of Jesus riding on a donkey, while a great multitude of people welcomed Him and waved Him on. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John tell us how the crowds took leafy branches from the trees that lined the road (traditionally identified as palm and olive trees) and waved them in the air shouting “Hosanna”, and threw their clothes and palm branches on the path in front of Him with great jubilance. Photo Copyright: All Saints' PCC Houghton Regis On Sunday 17 March, Passion Sunday, Bishop Richard of Bedford visited All Saints’ to celebrate the Parish Mass and to preach. It was a great honour and pleasure to welcome our bishop once again to Houghton Regis.
The service included Ecce Sacerdos by Lorenzo Perosi (1852-1956), sung at the Solemn Reception of the Bishop, and Lord, I trust Thee by George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) as the post-Communion anthem. Father Diego would like to thank all the volunteers who worked very hard to make this service such a lovely and powerful occasion. The last two weeks of Lent (sometimes called Passiontide) are marked by darker tones than the rest of the season, as we approach Good Friday. During Passiontide sacred images are veiled so as to hide some of the glory and splendour of the church building and of the liturgy, and to focus our attention on the sorrowful Passion and Death of Our Lord. Yesterday, on the Last Sunday before Lent (the Sixth in Ordinary Time) we ended the Parish Mass with the burning of last year’s Palm Crosses to make the ash used on Ash Wednesday to mark the beginning of Lent.
This simple rite is adapted from liturgical material produced by the Scottish Episcopal Church and available online. The reading from Isaiah 58 invites us to reflect on the spiritual meaning of fasting and repentance as we approach the holy season of Lent. Photo-post from the Parish Mass with Blessing of Palms in Houghton Regis on 2 April 2023.
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, and it recalls the triumphant entry of the Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem a few days before his blessed Passion. On Palm Sunday it is customary to bless Palm Crosses and leafy branches for people to carry in procession. Photo Copyright: All Saints' PCC Houghton Regis The holy season of Lent started on Ash Wednesday (22 February). On Ash Wednesday we welcomed the pupils and staff of Thomas’ Whitehead Academy to church for a special service where blessed Ashes were distributed. The other photos below were taken at the Parish Mass on Sunday 26 February, the First Sunday of Lent.
About the Season Lent invites us to deeper repentance; to make meaningful changes in the way we live so that we may learn to follow the Lord Jesus more closely. To facilitate this Lenten repentance, we are invited to follow three core practices: Fasting, Giving, and Prayer. These should be hallmarks of the Christian life, but we are especially encouraged to engage with them now as we prepare to celebrate Easter. The last two weeks of Lent (sometimes called Passiontide) assume darker tones as we approach Good Friday. During Passiontide sacred images are veiled so as to hide some of the glory and splendour of the church building and of the liturgy, and to focus our attention on the sorrowful Passion and Death of Our Lord. The liturgical colours of Lent are purple, “Roman purple”, and violet to signify penitence. On the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Lætare Sunday) the liturgical colour is a cheerier rose. Photos: Thomas Whitehead Academy and Mr David Steele Photo Copyright: Thomas Whitehead Academy and All Saints' PCC Houghton Regis We celebrated a Solemn Mass of Requiem for the repose of the soul of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on Sunday 11 September 2022. The Mass was the first occasion for our town of Houghton Regis to come together with our Mayor following the sad news of the Queen’s death on Thursday evening.
At the service we commended Queen Elizabeth to God’s mercy and love, we gave thanks for her life and her long reign, and we prayed for the His Majesty King Charles III as he accedes to the throne. In the sermon the Parish Priest, Father Diego, invited the faithful to reflect on the meaning of “a life well lived” – the way in which King Charles paid tribute to the life and reign of his late Mother. This meaning, he said, can only be found in a life that is lived as a gift to and for others, a life of service. The Town Mayor signed a Book of Condolences which was opened on Saturday 10 September and that will remain available for people to sign until the day after the Queen’s funeral. The Mass ended with the singing of God save the King. Indeed, may God bless our new King and bless his reign with his wisdom. Photos: Mr Myles Plüss Copyright: All Saints' PCC Houghton Regis |
February 2025