News & Photos
Highlights of parish life in Houghton Regis
Two new 3.5 yrds flags for All Saints’ Parish Church have been purchased by a kind donor; a Union Jack and a St George’s flag.
There are no specific flag regulations covering churches in the UK but the accepted norm is that a Church of England church would fly either a plain St George’s flag (a red cross on a white background) or a St George’s flag with a shield of the arms of the diocese, in the top corner nearest the flagpole. This latter custom follows the directives of a warrant from Earl Marshal dated 9 February 1938, issued at the request of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York. Consequently, the new flag at All Saints’ includes the arms of the Diocese and of the Bishop of St Albans and is the first one of this type ever flown from the tower. The Union Flag will be flown, if possible, on flag-flying days. These days are regulated by the Lord Chamberlain, through the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, and by the Flag Institute who issue a yearly list of specific dates when government buildings should (and churches may) fly the national flag.
The Parish Barn Dance was held at the Peter Newton Pavilion in Dunstable on Saturday 9 June.
The evening featured a live band, lots of dancing, shared food, fun for the whole family, and a raffle. The yearly fundraising and social event was attended by many people, and it continues to grow in popularity thanks to a number of committed volunteers who organise this and various other activities through the year. Photos below by Father Diego and Dr Matthew Hurley. The Solemnity of Corpus Christi (literally meaning “The Body of Christ”) was celebrated in Houghton Regis on Sunday 3 June.
This feast calls the whole Church to give special thanks to God for the inestimable gift of the Holy Eucharist, the Sacrament of Jesus' Body and Blood. For this reason the Blessed Sacrament is traditionally taken in procession at the end of the main Mass. One of the hymns sung at Corpus Christi describe the Blessed Sacrament in this way, O Bread of Heaven, beneath this veil Thou dost my very God conceal: My Jesus, dearest treasure, hail! I love Thee and, adoring, kneel; Each loving soul by Thee is fed With Thine own Self in form of Bread. The 10:00 Parish Mass was followed by a procession of the Blessed Sacrament through the churchyard and Benediction. The Preacher on this occasion was Father Michael Bowie SMMS, from All Saints' Margaret Street, London, and a number of other priests attended the celebrations in choir; the Venerable Paul Hughes (Archdeacon of Bedford), Canon Liz Hughes (Chaplain of Luton Airport), and Mother Janet Yabsley of All Saints'. |
February 2025