Corpus Christi Festival
Saturday 1 June 2024
Corpus Christi is the great celebration in honour of the Holy Eucharist – the most precious gift given to us by God; the gift that allows us to encounter the Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament at every Mass, and to be nourished by him every time we receive Holy Communion.
This festival traditionally takes place in the week after the Feast of the Holy Trinity – on Thursday because it was on that day of Holy Week (Maundy Thursday) that Jesus instituted the Eucharist and commanded us to “do this” in remembrance of him. However, in many churches Corpus Christi is often transferred to the nearest Sunday, or to another day to facilitate people attending the celebration. So, we are going to celebrate it on Saturday 1 June with our friends from the parish of Holy Cross Marsh Farm. The celebrations will include a Sung Mass, a procession of the Blessed Sacrament, and refreshments. Visiting clergy and readers are invited to robe. |
You have given them Bread from heaven. Alleluia.
Having within it all Sweetness. Alleluia.
Lord Jesus Christ,
you gave us the Eucharist
as the memorial of your suffering and death.
May our worship of this sacrament of your Body and Blood
help us to experience the salvation you won for us
and the peace of the Kingdom
where you live with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.