Baptism, sometimes called Christening, marks the beginning of our Christian life so anyone wanting to start this amazing journey can be baptized.
If you want your baby or child to make a start on the Christian path, then baptism is the way for them to do it. Or if you place your faith in Jesus as an adult, and want to accept God’s offer to forgive your sins and to strengthen you to live the Christian life, then baptism is right for you, too. Since Baptism is the beginning of the Christian journey, you can only be baptized once in your life. If you have already been baptized and feel you want to make a renewed commitment to living the life of Christ, it is possible to renew your baptismal vows. Or if you are not already confirmed, that may be the next step for you to take. |
Jesus said, ‘Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am always with you, to the end of the age.’ - Matthew 28 18-20 |
Frequently Asked Questions about Baptism
What is the difference between a baptism and a christening?
There is no difference between a christening service and a baptism service. Some churches will use the word ‘baptism’, which is the proper (and Biblical) word for this sacrament, and others the word ‘christening’. Also, in some churches 'baptism' is often used in relation to adults, and 'Christening' in relation to children. During the service the Priest will use the word 'baptism'.
I’m an adult. Can I be baptized?
Yes, of course! Baptism is God's way to make us part of his own family (the Church), and number us among people. So, anyone can be baptized. The baptism of an adult requires some preparation beforehand. Speak to the Parish Priest if this is something you’d like to explore.
A person can only be baptised once, so if you were christened as a child you will not be able to be baptized again, but there are ways of reaffirming baptism, and committing your life again to the Lord Jesus, such as Confirmation or renewal of the baptismal promises.
A person can only be baptised once, so if you were christened as a child you will not be able to be baptized again, but there are ways of reaffirming baptism, and committing your life again to the Lord Jesus, such as Confirmation or renewal of the baptismal promises.
Can my child be baptized?
Yes! The Church of England welcomes all children and families for christenings – whatever shape that family takes. You do not have to be married or have been a churchgoer for a long time. You and your child are welcome to All Saints'!
Come to ‘Vestry Hour’ on Saturday mornings at All Saints, and Father Diego will be happy to help you, discuss the service with you, and pencil in a date.
Come to ‘Vestry Hour’ on Saturday mornings at All Saints, and Father Diego will be happy to help you, discuss the service with you, and pencil in a date.
What if one or both parents aren’t baptized?
You can have your child baptized whether you, the parents, are baptized or not.
It is only the godparents who must to be baptized.
If you are not baptized, you could also consider being baptized with your child at the same service - after some preparation. This is a lovely way to begin the Christian journey of faith together, as a family.
It is only the godparents who must to be baptized.
If you are not baptized, you could also consider being baptized with your child at the same service - after some preparation. This is a lovely way to begin the Christian journey of faith together, as a family.
How many godparents should I have?
- In the case of child, between two and four.
- In the case of an adult there is no need of godparents.
Do godparents have to be baptized?
Yes, they do.
Godparents need to be baptized and supportive of the Christian faith. This is the basic requirement.
Because of the very special role godparents play in supporting a child’s faith they must have made a commitment to the faith for themselves.
Godparents, however, do not need to be members of the Church of England; members of other Christian denominations would be welcome to be godparents as well (e.g. Methodist, Roman Catholic, etc.).
Godparents need to be baptized and supportive of the Christian faith. This is the basic requirement.
Because of the very special role godparents play in supporting a child’s faith they must have made a commitment to the faith for themselves.
Godparents, however, do not need to be members of the Church of England; members of other Christian denominations would be welcome to be godparents as well (e.g. Methodist, Roman Catholic, etc.).
What is the role of a godparent?
Godparents are among the most important people at a christening. Their main roles are:-
- Praying for the child through the ups and downs of life;
- To be there for the child to talk to about the "bigger questions";
- Encouraging the child to attend Church, and to learn about the faith;
- Helping them to make good choices in life.
What preparation is necessary for a Christening?
Preparation for a christening is very important.
- In the case of a child, before the baptism can take place you will be asked to worship at All Saints’ for a number of times (at least three Sundays).
- In the case of an adult, you will be asked to join to worship with us more regularly, and to attend a number of study sessions (for example sessions of the Pilgrim Course, the St Thomas’ Group, or adult learning events).
Is there a fee for Christenings?
There is no fee for Baptism. A donation to the church is always welcome.
Perhaps, you could ask your guests to leave a donation at the end of the Christening service.
Perhaps, you could ask your guests to leave a donation at the end of the Christening service.
For enquiries about Baptisms, Blessings, Weddings and Banns please visits us at the Parish Office at St Thomas' Church, Lowry Drive, on Monday evenings between 6:00 and 7:00.